NaNo WriMo
Business Strategy Call

Transform Your Approach to NaNo WriMo
and Propel Your Business Forward! 

Are you ready to tap into the NaNo WriMo excitement
but unsure how to effectively attract and serve aspiring writers?

Join me for an invigorating 60-minute strategy session
designed to elevate your coaching business
during one of the most vibrant literary months of the year! 

The NaNo WriMo Strategy Call 

  • Understand your Unique Selling Point (USP): We perfect what makes your coaching style stand out. So, you can attract the writers who look for exactly what you offer. 


  • Craft your irresistible offer: Whether your ideal NaNo WriMo participants look for guidance or accountability, you will know how to package your expertise. 
  • Develop a targeted marketing plan:  We will strategize on how to reach new clients during NaNo WriMo. Expect to leave with a bespoke plan that speaks to your ideal client!

I am now confident to say that I am a literary fiction coach thanks to the work I did with An to really focus on what I wanted to do. I have been working as an editor for 10 years with a combination of business writers and fiction writers. I decided I wanted to focus on fiction, but I had no way to really turn myself around. Then I decided to invest in An’s coaching. It was the best thing I could have done because now I have a plan, a goal, and a spark!

Lu Sexton – Literary Fiction Coach and Editor, Lu Sexton Wordsmith


  • 1 x 60-minute session:
    Goal identification: We start by setting a specific goal for NaNo WriMo, such as attracting more clients, expanding into new writer segments, etc.

    Strategy formulation: Together, we will map out a detailed plan covering every aspect of your NaNo WriMo campaign, from initial contact to final conversion. 

  • Continued support with Voxer access: Post-call, enjoy one month of Voxer support. This walkie-talkie messaging app will keep our communication flowing and ensure your remain on track. I will be there very step of the way to maintain your momentum and keep you accountable. 

Are you ready to step up?

This is your moment to harness the creative energy of NaNo WriMo

and transform it into a growth catalyst for your business.


350 USD

Secure your spot now
and gain the insights, strategies, and support you need to make
this NaNo WriMo your most succesful yet!

Hey, I am An.


My mission is to help amazing writing coaches, such as you, to build an even more incredible business.

One that will give you an income
that makes you smile.

One that will make you feel
proud of your life work.

One that will enable you
to relax and realize your dream.

Q - How will this strategy coaching differ from general coaching?

Unlike the broader coaching packages, this strategy call is specifically tailored for NaNoWriMo, focusing on maximizing the unique opportunities this event offers. We concentrate on immediate, actionable strategies that target the NaNoWriMo timeline and specific objectives, such as enhancing client acquisition and engagement during this peak period.

Q - What specific outcomes can I expect from implementing our plan?

You can expect to have a clear roadmap designed to leverage NaNoWriMo effectively. This includes increased visibility among potential clients, a refined marketing strategy to attract and retain participants, and enhanced service offerings that are particularly appealing during the event. The goal is to see a tangible increase in client engagement and, ultimately, a boost in your business’s growth and revenue during November. 

Q - How can I maintain the momentum after our session?

Upon program completion, you’ll enjoy 1 month of Voxer access, allowing you to continue working on your plan with me. Additionally, for more personalized support, you can explore prolonging the Voxer support or sign up for individual/group coaching. Feel free to reach out for further details and to discuss your options.

Q - Will I have access to any additional resources, such as templates, worksheets, or tools?

Yes, you will have access to additional resources tailored to your specific book coaching needs.

Achieve More:

Strategic Goal Setting

For Book Coaches

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