My Story, Your Blueprint: Building a Thriving

Book Coaching Practice

Hey, my name is An.

It was the birth of my little one that made me leap
into the unknown world of setting up a business.

The journey’s has been a wild one, with hiccups, struggles, and (many) mistakes.

It has empowered me to shape a life that
harmonizes my professional ambition with my family and passions

This very transformation laid the foundation for the SUCCESS framework
a bespoke strategy I devised to empower book coaches

to master their businesses with confidence and resilience.

Let’s redefine success together, creating a future that fulfills you!

Q – What sets my expertise apart?

My expertise is based on a deep understanding of the unique challenges you face as a writing coach and the authors you support. This insight is rooted in my real-world experience in several areas:

  • As a writer: I navigate the book coaching process myself. It allows me to empathize with the nuanced needs of the authors you work with.;
  • As a coach: With formal training in both business management and book coaching, the advice I provide grounded in practical business principles, tailored to the unique context of the publishing industry.;
  • As a business owner: My 10-year tenure as a business owner gave me firsthand knowledge of the entrepreneurial journey, from the very first steps to growth and scaling. 

This blend of firsthand literary experience, business expertise, and a commitment to personalized coaching sets me apart, ensuring that the support I offer is both comprehensive and finely tuned to your specific needs as a book coach.

About An Ly Tanpere, Coach writer businesswoman

Q – Who am I beyond “work”? 

I am a mum, a wife, a writer. 

A creative bee. I had that one pregnancy project, embroider a play mat for the future baby, which opened a Pandora box of creativity. And it continues…

A writer. I have published and won several prizes for my short stories. I am working on my first novel in English!

A born networker. I am the kind of person to whom people tell their deepest secrets after sitting next to me for 2 minutes on the bus. My husband hates it.  

A Latin Dance dancer. Bachata is my number one genre.

An Earl Grey tea drinker. I collect my teas like others collect stamps. This Smoky Earl Grey is my all-time favorite!

Singapore is called home where I live with my husband and our toddler. What was supposed to be a short stint, quickly became our forever home.

Achieve More:

Strategic Goal Setting

For Book Coaches

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