Build your networking plan in 5 easy steps!

Build your networking plan in 5 easy steps! “Networking is too time-consuming!”, “It is complicated!”, “I never know who to contact!”. These are the usual complaints when people discuss networking. What if I tell you that there is a way to make networking so much...

5 tips on how to network at an online event

5 tips on how to network at an online event You are planning to network at an online event? Prepare for success with these 5 tips! 1. Have a goal Make attending the conference worth your while. Be thorough in identifying your goals. What is your networking goal for...

3 reasons why I hired a coach

3 Reasons why I hired a coach As a coach myself, it might seem contradictory I signed up for coaching. It is not just about learning a new skill but also understanding the journey my own coachees go through. The idea of creating an online course is not a new one. I...